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Oast House Brewers Country Bumpkin - Brillo artesanal de Niágara

Oast House is a brewery located in Niagara-On-The-Lake, Canada. Based out of an old barn which was originally raised in the late 1800s, it’s home to not only the brewerey, but multiple spaces such as a tasting room, event space and what the company claim, Niagara’s coolest outdoor patio.

This area of Canada is more famous for it’s wine, full of variety and tradition. The brewery aims to replicate these traditions and beautifully translate it to beer. A Rosetta Stone to those wanting to understand all the nuances and imbue themselves with the waterfall of flavour.

The Tasting room, or more affectionately known as the Beer Shed is home to group tasting sessions of 8-15 persons. These tasting sessions aim to educate the tasters and allow the attendees to try a wide range of beers.

The Event space, called the Hayloft is a down home twist on the traditional Bier Halle experience. Full of rustic Americana blended perfectly with all the comforts modern life permits.

The Patio is a comfortable, seated bar area that matches the modern outlook of the brewery. A wonderful selection of local beers, wines and fabulous food is on offer here.

The company produce a wide variety of products that include ales, IPA’s, Stouts and many, many more. This review covers just one of the fantastic products availble in the portfolio on offer, Country Bumpkin RR#7.

This spiced harvest ale is 5.4% ABV and pours a soft orange colour. It comes in a 473ml can which admittedly is a peculiar serving size to someone in the UK. The carbonation is thoroughly enjoyable, plenty of small clusters of bubbles without it feeling agressive. The flavour is personified by a blatant pumpkin flavour which is pleasant and inoffensive. The beer is brewed with pumpkin puree and a squash puree comprised of butternut, golden hubbard and acorns. More sensitive tongues will pick up on the other anecdotes of flavour here; notes of biscuit, cinnamon, ginger and allspice are found. A profile that some would liken to a Halloween/Autumnal charcuterie board. it’s a beer I’d highly recommend to those wanting an easy gateway into the world of craft beers due to its high quality and deep flavour. It’s also a strong recommendation to all beer lovers as it’s a seriously tasty beverage that makes you wish you had bought more at the shop.

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You can read all about Oast House Brewers on their website here.